Nods to the past

...Long ago, about twenty years ago or so, this site was the initial and sole brainchild of an artist I used to follow. Known only as A⸺ L⸺, a Canadian who jetted off, ostensibly, to Hong Kong to pursue art and labour in the now-distant past of 2001, his art was, admittedly, a major thing that got me in considerable trouble with high school officials. Whether or not he remembers this site, I've never really forgotten. It may have not been haute couture as far as artistic nudity went, but, that art led to long-standing friendships, tales of high school trouble, and a long-held appreciation for hentai and various other art forms. Hell, it likely led to a realization that having a female-presenting robot body would be highly desirable in the future.

When I saw that this site was available I immediately, in true fashion, agonized about what sort of thing I'd really do. Or even if I would acquire it. (I grant it's Google.) About this site, about the aims I have for it, aims in my own life, and, well, I had to make this page available. Like an unofficial bootleg, or a company reusing an old trademark, I guess, this site is a recycling, an acknowledgement of sorts, and something I've meant to do in the back of my mind, but life got in the way. You get two lithotripsies, two stents, and somehow you're staring down the barrel of cold middle age. Something like that.

But here we are. Here you are, reading this.
"What's this got to do with anything?"
Nothing on the Internet is permanent. That's the thing. That's why this site is back, though not the same.
The Internet is a vast library, continually and partially on fire. All the time.
This is me recovering the dust cover, on a book that's missing a lot of pictures, and maybe being able to... recall the contents.
This site is pretty much the part-homage part-whatever playground of internet that I miss. Deadass with how far the internet has come, I'm surprised people just don't go back to making their mark wherever it may be. This isn't Facebook, this isn't Twitter, this isn't a site where I ask you to put in your credit card information. This is a little bit of early 2000s-type e-liberation mixed in with the however-many-dollars I give to Google so you can read this text here and see these images somewhere else.
"Oh, but you can do whatever you want with this site, who cares?" I care. I give enough of a shit to wipe my feet before visiting or staying. It's practically part and parcel of human thought, right next to "don't shit where you eat" and "I wonder if I have a chance with the girl with the club foot and the nice tits", clearly.


In keeping in line with the latest fashions this page is presented in amber color. Initially I had wanted it to be green like the old days but we're going back to basics. Lord knows amber is a color that tends to be cast aside in the name of utility: Turn signals, cathode-ray tubes, jewelry. In the coming days I'll of course be adding my brain matter to this site and I might, I might, actually have artwork from other people to put in here so it doesn't look agonizingly plain. But, as you know, this costs me money. My pound of flesh was already taken the moment I paid for the domain, so, in true fashion, I will always get my money's worth once I put in some well-deserved loving labour hither and thither. I will, also in true fashion, have links to interesting things that you might be able to consider. This is not a site I really intend to profit off of and therefore whatever comes from me to you nets me no money ⸺If it does, I will be diligent in letting you know.

⸺Don't be evil, don't be stupid. Thanks for reading.